Andrzej Łukomski

Since 2005, he has been developing a company that produces stickers and self-adhesive signage with logos. He is the creator and owner of the brand POLINAL, a manufacturer of signage.
He studied Commodity Science at the Maritime University in Gdynia when it was still called an Academy.
I have a wife and two sons. I love motoring, all things mechanical, the seaside vibes of Gdynia, Swedish cars, and walks with my dog.
“From the beginning, I have endeavoured to create a company that operates systematically and procedurally, ensuring that clients can rely on consistency and repeatability with subsequent orders.”
I use my interests in B2B marketing and branding topics every day at work to develop products and enhance POLINAL’s brand recognition.
“I delegate other matters, such as those related to production or customer service, to people better than me in those areas.”