Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning industry (HVAC)

We help the HVAC industry sell products in a competitive market. We support manufacturers and distributors in effectively showcasing their logo on products.

We increase brand awareness, thereby helping to reach new customers.

srebrne metalowe naklejki z napisem makroterm
naklejka napis logo na piece grzewcze
prostokątna naklejka chromowana z czarnym podkładem z logo hitze

We also assist companies importing devices in the HVAC industry to launch them under their own brand. To this end, we provide self-adhesive logo labels.

We also provide durable service stickers that help customers regularly order maintenance services.

etykiety wypukłe 3d celcia na grzejniki elektryczne
naklejki 3d czarne z otworem
okrągłe nalepki wypukłe 3d z numerami

Do you already have your labelling? Consult them with our advisor.

Is your labelling correctly chosen? Check for free.

Recommended labelling for boilers, heat pumps, heat recovery units, air conditioners and heaters

Chrome Stickers

Prestigious, chrome metal stickers with the METALIC™ PLATE logo will elegantly highlight the product’s character. The appearance of a logo on a product is becoming increasingly important. Customers assess a product by also considering its branding. Often, consumers also assess…

3D Dome Stickers

Epoxy dome stickers with the company logo are a product that stands out in appearance. Stickers coated with a raised, transparent polyurethane mixture are also exceptionally resistant to harsh conditions of use and are available in various options, such as…


Logo plates will highlight your company’s products excellently. You are certainly already trying to distinguish yourself from similar companies in the market. Identification through logo plates makes clients notice your company and view it as a reliable supplier. Discover our…